\relax \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces {\relax \fontsize {8}{9.5}\normalfont {\bf (a) Left Panel:} The redshift distribution of the SNe discovered in our Cycle 14 program. The upper panel shows the distribution of elliptical galaxies that had SNe Ia, with the cluster members indicated by ``C''. The asterisk indicates OII emission in the galaxy spectrum; there is evidence (see text) that these may be quiescent red galaxy environments, so after further tests these SNe may yet be included on the cluster- ellipticals SN Hubble diagram. The lower panel shows the distribution for non-elliptical hosts. Not shown are an additional ten SNe with good lightcurves, but so far without redshifts because the host galaxy was very unlikely to pass our redshift-range and ellipticals-only cuts. {\bf (b) Right Panel:} The Hubble diagram, plotted as a residual from a flat $\Omega _\Lambda =0.75$ universe, for (upper panel) the whole Riess {et al.}\ 2007 $z>1$ sample, and for (lower panel) Elliptical-host-only SNe Ia from SCP (Sullivan {et al.}\ 2003) and from preliminary analysis of our Cycle 14 SNe (not shown: ``C*'' from Fig. 1 and the SN lost to guide-star failure). The measured dispersion, $\sigma = 0.41$ mag, for the mixture of SNe Ia in all host types (upper panel) reanalyzed with an extinction correction, shows the dramatic increase in error bars due to the large uncertainty in $B - V$ color at $z>1$ being multiplied by $R_B \approx 4$; this is compounded by the uncertainty in $R_B$ and intrinsic color, and any drift with redshift. The ratio of this $z>1$ dispersion to the elliptical-hosted $z>1$ dispersion of bottom-right panel makes the elliptical-hosted SNe each worth more than 10 of the extinction-corrected others. }}}{7}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces {\relax \fontsize {8}{9.5}\normalfont {\bf (a) Left Panel:} Hubble diagram residuals from $\Lambda $ cosmology for several example dark energy models compared with the projected redshift-binned error bars expected from this project and current large projects finding SNe Ia in elliptical hosts. The ground-based projects should obtain the binned error bars shown at redshifts $z<1$. The $z = [1 - 1.5] $ bin needs HST observations: The 23 SNe Ia from GOODS searches (Riess {et al.}\ 2007) yield a binned statistical uncertainty ($\sim 0.06$ mag) somewhat larger than estimated for the 5 cluster-elliptical-host SNe from our just-completed Cycle 14 search. However, the extra dust-correction systematic error is significant for non-elliptical-host SNe. The projected error bar after adding the proposed Cycle 16 cluster-elliptical-host SNe is 0.022 mag, based on 18 total SNe and extra orbits to improve the SN's photon noise. {\bf (b) Right Panel:} Schematic explanation of the difference between the $w_0 - w^\prime $ confidence regions expected from conventional SN Ia Hubble diagrams and from cluster-elliptical-host SNe Ia. }}}{7}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces {\relax \fontsize {8}{9.5}\normalfont {\bf (a) Left Panel:} The dust-free nature of cluster ellipticals (circles) in RDCS 1252-2927 at $z=1.24$ is supported by the small scatter of the color-magnitude relation (CMR) when ACS quality photometry is used (from Blakeslee {et al.}\ 2003). The CMR in this same cluster using data from the VLT FORS and ISAAC (transformed to the ACS i,z passbands) exhibits nearly 8 times the scatter, demonstrating the need for HST imaging. With this large ground-based scatter, the outliers from the space-based CMR (indicated by open symbols) cannot be distinguished. {\bf (b) Right Panel:} Weak lensing mass versus the estimated number of early type cluster members based on a preliminary analysis of our Cycle 14 data. The lensing masses were determined from a fit to the tangential shear. The $n_{\rm gal}$ parameter is an estimate of number of early type cluster galaxies in the ACS FOV. Objects with a color (i$_{775}$ - z$_{850}$) within 0.1 mag of the cluster red-sequence are counted after identifying early type galaxies using a simple concentration parameter. Future analysis will include a cluster richness parameter accounting for the luminsity-redshift relation. The black points indicate clusters from the IRAC survey, red points from RCS and blue points from RDCS. The clusters that hosted SNe were all in the unshaded (higher richness) region. Note that, because of the high redshifts of the clusters, outliers at the low richness end are expected. }}}{8}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces {\relax \fontsize {8}{9.5}\normalfont {\bf (a) Left Panel:} {\bf (a) Left Panel:} Preliminary lightcurves of a subset of the SNe discovered in Cycle 14, demonstrating the repeat cadence on each cluster that results in following every SN in the field with typical fit peak magnitude total uncertainties of 0.07 to 0.15 mag. {\bf (b): Right Panel:} Ground-based spectra (VLT, Keck, Subaru) for SNe Ia discovered in our cycle 14 program (solid curves) de-redshifted to the SN restframe. Host galaxy light has been removed and a low-pass filter applied to remove features with widths narrower than that of a SN. One spectrum obtained in previous SCP SN campaigns is also shown to demonstrate ground-based spectroscopy out to z=1.4. For each spectrum, a matching template spectrum from a well-studied nearby SN is shown (dashed curves). }}}{8}}